Monday, February 15, 2010

A Sign of Spring

Forget crocuses, spring is a tuned-up bike. It hasn't had a tune up since I bought it over ten years ago at the Century Cycles Rocky River store. And I plan to do some riding this spring and figure I better take care it accordingly.

After the tune up at the Century Cycles Medina location, the guy was nice enough to tell me that it was a nice bike for it's range and that Raleigh doesn't make them like that any longer. They are heavier with more features for comfort and a lower-quality component package.

He said they also marveled at the shape it was in. I have always kind of babied it knowing I had the responsibility that came with justifying having spent more than I should have at the time.

I remember the liberating feeling when I got the bike. I rode as far as I could one day. I had to call Jill from a pay phone to come pick me up near dark. That was how euphoric I was and how completely I misjudged. I rode from Parma to Peninsula (and not quite back) that day.

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